Friday, January 11, 2013

The Most Importaint Enironmental Issue

         There are so many environmental issues from deforestation to global warming, but I think that nuclear energy is the most important. Some polar bears are dying and some birds are losing their homes but who cares.
         There is a nuclear power plant 38 miles from where I am almost everyday and if that thing blows up what am I going to do. Nuclear accidents affect everything in a 50 mile radius.
        Children are dieing 20 years later because of the Chernobyl accident. They are being born premature with water in their brains. They are being born with diseases they are lucky if they live to be five years old. They will never be able to enjoy their life.
         Most of the children are orphans unable to understand what unconditional love is. They will never be able to celebrate mothers day or fathers day. Most of them do ever know what their parents look like. They are completely alone in this world with only their care taker to keep them company. 
        Is life worth living when so close to death?

1 comment:

  1. I agree that nuclear is the absolute worse way to power the planet. Since there are so many power plants around us and our world, and nuclear is so toxic. I like your opinion on the topic, but i think this blog would of been better is you had more quotes in it. Other than that, it was a good blog. Nice job :)
