Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Fracking vs. Coal

      Natural gas and coal are very common sources of power. However, they have very negative effects on the surrounding areas. They are very dangerous and have severe health affects. They are also not good for the environment. There is no real way to tell which one is worse. However, I think Fracking is worse than coal mining.
      Fracking is very dangerous. The chemicals used in fracking are seeping into the ground. The chemicals can get into thousands of peoples water supply. The chemicals in their water can cause serious health problems. Drinking the water could cause cancer even death. There are some places where the water is so full of chemicals and natural gas that the water can be lit on fire. Would you want to drink water that can be lit on fire?
     Coal isn't very good ether. Coal mining can cause rivers to flood into areas around the river. Coal miners can die from coal explosions. They also have severe medical conditions such as black lung  from the dust in the mine. The toxic sludge that is use while coal mining is held in impoundments all over Appalachia.
     Choose your poison drink some water and slowly die of cancer or black lung.


  1. I like the way the picture shows you haw bad the water is. I wish you could put more background information about coal. overall it is good and i also think fracking is the worse.

  2. You should have put more facts about coal.
