Thursday, January 3, 2013


      What caused this?  Where is it coming from? Do we have  the power to stop it? There are a lot of unanswered questions relating to global warming. People expect us to come up with something to stop it; to try to understand what is going on. There is no right or wrong answer.
      I am a girl in high school how am I supposed to even begin to understand what happens in this world. I don't care it doesn't matter to me that 35000 people in Europe died in a heat wave caused by global warming. Or in India the temperature was 122 degrees and 1400 people died. I don't know them it's too late now they're already dead. Who cares if some stupid bears are dieing because there is no ice in the arctic to sit on. It doesn't matter that for the first time there has been a hurricane south of the Atlantic. I don't live in South America, my house didn't get wrecked.
       People are dieing storms are raging on and what are we doing? Just sitting around waiting for our time to come. You can say you are trying to help. You can say that you recycle; you use those fancy light bulbs. But are you really helping?    


  1. In the section of global warming you never talked about global warming it self and how it does effect use. You just talked about how you don't care about if other people are dying. It has affected us thought you could say that hurricane sandy and Irene were caused by global warming. I have lived in Connecticut for my whole life and we have never had a 2 hurricanes in two years almost identical in time. Some people do care that there friends, family, or co- workers are dying from these natural disasters. If we as the United States didn't care then why did these make national news headlines.

  2. although you may not care if the people have died or not. they were still people too. they have stories and history. Heck they could have been the next big thing to technology. so instead of repeating the facts saying they died i didn't know them its too late now. u could have just went a little more in depth with research and given me more detail to reel me in and focus more on the problem at hand.

  3. I was a little upset with the tone of your blog until I read the last line. In no way are you saying you don't care, you actually do. But all those people who say they DO CARE, but do nothing ... that is what you are mocking ... Very creative ...,

    Well written blogs that make me think ... you use facts to back up your point ... I like the layout, it makes it easy to read. You would be helped by posting links to the sites where you obtained your information. Overall, excellent work ... nice job.

  4. Mr.Foster thank you for really understanding what I was trying to say. The truth is I do care but I am upset because some people don't care. Some people try to say they care when they really don't.
