Monday, January 14, 2013

Nuclear vs. Foriegn and Domestic Oil

      Nuclear energy and oil are very different sources of power but they both have very dangerous affects. I think that nuclear energy is a terrible way to power the planet.
      After a nuclear accident the land is polluted for 1000 years. Any one within  a 50 mile radius of the accident is affected by it. Children are born with mutations and disorders. Cites are abandoned. Radio active dust all over the nuclear power plant.
     But that doesn't really matter does it? How about the millions of gallons of oil dumped in the gulf of Mexico. Or maybe the thousands of soldiers that die in Iraq fighting over oil. The war in Iraq is not about terrorists its about oil. 
     Both forms of energy are unhealthy and terrible for the environment but what is worse? Oil causes wars but nuclear power causes mutations. You cant really see the affects of oil but you can see the affects of nuclear energy in the people. People matter more than some birds and fish that died in a oil spill.


  1. ok i can not agree with the fact that people matter more than animals, we are all important. besides if we kill all the animals we wont be able to survive for long

  2. People keep the world moving, but birds have there part in this world too so I wouldn't say that people matter more than some birds. Also it is many birds as well as fish. Fishing is how people make their money to survive and if fish are being killed by oil than what happens? The fish are also dying because of the corexit they used to clean up the oil, which in fact is much worse than the oil itself. Another thing is the people who put the corexit into the water and lived near by the water also had major health issues because of how toxic this was.

  3. I agree with your point. Nuclear energy is killing people but people care more about the animals. i understand that without them we won't survive for long, but if we don't take care of ourselves, we won't survive at all.

  4. I totally agree with you're point. Nuclear energy is horrible not only for the people but for the land. Once polluted no one can even go near it for a long time. Peoples homes and lives are there.... it's a controversial issue

  5. You put a lot of good facts and a lot of good opinions.
