Monday, January 14, 2013

Nuclear vs. Foriegn and Domestic Oil

      Nuclear energy and oil are very different sources of power but they both have very dangerous affects. I think that nuclear energy is a terrible way to power the planet.
      After a nuclear accident the land is polluted for 1000 years. Any one within  a 50 mile radius of the accident is affected by it. Children are born with mutations and disorders. Cites are abandoned. Radio active dust all over the nuclear power plant.
     But that doesn't really matter does it? How about the millions of gallons of oil dumped in the gulf of Mexico. Or maybe the thousands of soldiers that die in Iraq fighting over oil. The war in Iraq is not about terrorists its about oil. 
     Both forms of energy are unhealthy and terrible for the environment but what is worse? Oil causes wars but nuclear power causes mutations. You cant really see the affects of oil but you can see the affects of nuclear energy in the people. People matter more than some birds and fish that died in a oil spill.

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Most Importaint Enironmental Issue

         There are so many environmental issues from deforestation to global warming, but I think that nuclear energy is the most important. Some polar bears are dying and some birds are losing their homes but who cares.
         There is a nuclear power plant 38 miles from where I am almost everyday and if that thing blows up what am I going to do. Nuclear accidents affect everything in a 50 mile radius.
        Children are dieing 20 years later because of the Chernobyl accident. They are being born premature with water in their brains. They are being born with diseases they are lucky if they live to be five years old. They will never be able to enjoy their life.
         Most of the children are orphans unable to understand what unconditional love is. They will never be able to celebrate mothers day or fathers day. Most of them do ever know what their parents look like. They are completely alone in this world with only their care taker to keep them company. 
        Is life worth living when so close to death?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Fracking vs. Coal

      Natural gas and coal are very common sources of power. However, they have very negative effects on the surrounding areas. They are very dangerous and have severe health affects. They are also not good for the environment. There is no real way to tell which one is worse. However, I think Fracking is worse than coal mining.
      Fracking is very dangerous. The chemicals used in fracking are seeping into the ground. The chemicals can get into thousands of peoples water supply. The chemicals in their water can cause serious health problems. Drinking the water could cause cancer even death. There are some places where the water is so full of chemicals and natural gas that the water can be lit on fire. Would you want to drink water that can be lit on fire?
     Coal isn't very good ether. Coal mining can cause rivers to flood into areas around the river. Coal miners can die from coal explosions. They also have severe medical conditions such as black lung  from the dust in the mine. The toxic sludge that is use while coal mining is held in impoundments all over Appalachia.
     Choose your poison drink some water and slowly die of cancer or black lung.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


      What caused this?  Where is it coming from? Do we have  the power to stop it? There are a lot of unanswered questions relating to global warming. People expect us to come up with something to stop it; to try to understand what is going on. There is no right or wrong answer.
      I am a girl in high school how am I supposed to even begin to understand what happens in this world. I don't care it doesn't matter to me that 35000 people in Europe died in a heat wave caused by global warming. Or in India the temperature was 122 degrees and 1400 people died. I don't know them it's too late now they're already dead. Who cares if some stupid bears are dieing because there is no ice in the arctic to sit on. It doesn't matter that for the first time there has been a hurricane south of the Atlantic. I don't live in South America, my house didn't get wrecked.
       People are dieing storms are raging on and what are we doing? Just sitting around waiting for our time to come. You can say you are trying to help. You can say that you recycle; you use those fancy light bulbs. But are you really helping?